If so, then you could use that old gold jewelry to generate extra cash for yourself, as well as to raise money for your favorite charity or cause.
Hosting Gold Parties For Charity
Its called gold parties for charity and if you would like to learn more there is a great read entitled Host a Gold Party for Charity - Support Your Favorite Charity By Hosting a Gold Buying Party.
All this old gold jewelry can easily be turned into cash. Cash you can use to pay the rent or mortgage with, pay bills, treat the family to a night out. That sort of thng... and you can use it as a vehicle to raise money for a charity or cause you support!
Like the title of this post says...
Sell Gold, Make Money, Support a Cause!
And you do it by hosting a gold party or gold buying event.
Lets face it. In these tough economic times a little extra cash can go a long way, and these times are not just tough on individuals, they are tough on charities as well.
So go to the Hosting a Gold Home Party and learn more about how to turn that old unwanted gold jewelry into cash by hosting a gold home party, there is a great read called Host a Gold Party for Charity - Support Your Favorite Charity By Hosting a Gold Buying Party.
It talks about how hosting a gold buying fund raiser for your favorite charity can be a fun and enjoyable way to turn your old gold items into extra cash. The best part is that you can ask your family and friends to bring their old gold jewelry to the party, join in the fun, and support the cause in the process.
It's a win, win for everyone. You sell your old gold for cash, your family and friends sell their gold too and get to go home with extra cash in their pockets... and there is a percentage of the total gold sales that goes directly to the charity hosting the gold buying event.
Go read the article to learn more about how hosting a gold party for charity works. Then come back here and let us know what you think by leaving a comment in our comment area.
If you live in Canada and would like to know how to go about hosting a gold party or gold buying event for your favorite charity, give Gold Parties Canada a call. They will help you with everything you need.
If you are in the U.S., we recommend you use Fast Cash Gold Parties.
Both these gold buying companies are affiliated with one another and have developed one of the best and most successful gold home party plans out there.
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