A modern day gold rush?
We're talking about Gold buying parties.
And what the heck is a 'gold buying party'?
It's like a Tupperware party, except instead of your guest having to spend their hard earned cash on things they may or may not need, they get to bring their old and unwanted gold jewelry, gold coins, even broken gold items... and sell them to us for cold, hard cash!
Thats right, your guests get to go home with more money in their pockets than they came with, you do as well, and you stand to make a commission on all the gold we buy.
It even gets better than that, because if any of your guest decide they want to book a gold buying party of their own, which they always do... then you will make a commission on the gold we buy at those gold buying parties as well.
So, is it really a 'gold rush'?
Some people think so, and you will too once you host your first gold party right here in Canada.
Here is how it works.
Say you live in Ottawa. It could be Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal or any other town or metropolitan area in Canada... but lets for argument sake, say Ottawa.
It's the day of your first gold party, and outside your Ottawa home they begin to arrive, the ladies of what some have been calling... Gold Rush 2009.
Who are these 'ladies of the gold rush 2009'? They are middle-aged and older, pulling up in their cars along the curb outside your Ottawa home and heading inside for food and refreshments, some good old fashion socializing with friends, neighbors and associates... perhaps to even meet a new friend or two.
They have also come for the main event. They have come to find out how much they're going to be paid for their unwanted gold jewelry, coins and broken gold they have brought to the party. The gold shows up in everything from Ziploc bags, pouches and purses, to plastic food containers... and in those containers are gold earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, pendants, lockets and even gold teeth.
Gold teeth?
Yes, even gold teeth according to proprietor of one of the the newest Canadian gold party start ups... Gold Parties Canada.
It all began just a short time ago with Stacey Mikel, President of Fast Cash Gold Parties out of Florida in the U.S.
Stacey says, "The main reason I got into the 'gold buying party' business is because I wanted a way to earn a great income without having to sacrifice my time being a mom. I started out doing gold parties with close friends and family and things just took off. People fell in love with the 'cash for gold party' concept where people actually make money instead of spending it. That's when I decided Fast Cash Gold Parties was something I wanted to share with as many people as possible so they too could benefit from my experience."
The rest is history. In just a few short months, Stacey had traveled all over the country and hosted numerous gold parties with excited individuals, and now says, "I would love for you to join us!"
But what about Canada you say?
Well, since that time, Fast Cash Gold Parties has gone International, and Canada was the first country to be graced by this phenomonal 'gold party', gold buying opportunity.
Gold Parties Canada was formed and now the entire Nortnern Hemiphere can take advantage of this modern day Gold Rush... and make money!
Gold Parties Canada will come to you and conduct your party for you, and you'll get paid for doing what we all love to do, THROW A PARTY!
Gold Parties Canada is currently in the process of setting up in Victoria and Vancouver, , Calgary and Edmonton, Ottawa and Montreal. If you are located in or around any of these areas, you are encouraged to contact Gold Parties Canada for more information, so you too can take full advantage of this... ground floor, gold party, money making opportunity.
I would strongly suggest checking out the Silver and Gold Exchange before selling gold or silver to ANYONE. I did a great deal of research before selling mine and found a HUGE difference between buyers. I tried pawn shops, jewelers, "gold parties", hotel "buying events" and many different online mail in services including the "as seen on tv" guys. The Silver and Gold Exchange pays more than anyone I could find. They also are up front about what they pay with a live price chart right on their website at http://SilverAndGoldExchange.com They also have a perfect Better Business Bureau report while some others have hundreds of complaints. I recommend them 100%